feelin' flaky

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Cake Stand Facelift

Hello there. It's been too long since my last post. It was a busy last 10 days or so... our garage sale last weekend went marvy, made $150, then boxed up the left-overs and dropped off at Salvation Army. Felt SO good to get rid of all our unused and unloved items!  Dove-tailing with my last post, this past garage sale was our third in one year, and our profit from all three combined has been $1000 - yay! Best part about that is that most of what I sold I had originally bought for really cheap, so really, maybe not even a loss in finances? I could, but I'm not going to do the math to figure it out... too lazy...  ;)

Anyway, well all that to say that I'm getting around to more home decor projects, and here is one of the latest:

I've had this cake stand since Christmas of '05, and I really love it, but the color just hasn't been my thing. But no worries, I've really come to love spray paint... and I mean LOVE!  haha  It can make such a transformation in a piece.


I'm not sure if you can tell? One of my top fave's of color is yellow... 

here's the after:

I'm lovin' it's new look  :)

We've kept the vintage blocks on the kitchen table for the past 2 weeks now, and it's blown my mind how much of an improvement our children have made in reciting the alphabet, knowing each letter by name, and our 4 year old writes all 26 - I'm so proud of them! All this headway came after we put the bowl of blocks on the table, and during every meal the kid's will play with and say the letters back and forth to each other... such a blessing to watch them interact and learn as a team!

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